Converting MoveNet to CoreMLtf


Not sure if this is the right place but… I’m trying to convert MoveNet (TensorFlow Hub) to CoreML but I’m finding it impossible. Following instructions from CoreMLTools (TensorFlow 2 Conversion) but no success. Any help or guidance?

Thanks in advance.

I think it might be easier to find help for this specifically on the CoreML forum.

Are you trying to run the model on an iOS device? can’t you run using TFLite interpreter? I don’t think that would need the conversion and maybe the CoreML delegate might help with the performance

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I suppose that we will have quite soon an IOS example

We’ve released a new Android, Raspberry Pi pose estimation sample that lets you try out MoveNet on mobile and IoT devices. (iOS is coming soon)

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I want to use it with both macOS and IOS.

I’ve read that is possible to use tflite interpreter and find the temporary file in which the .mlmodel is stored. However doesn’t look very pretty isn’t it? Any idea how?

Maybe it’s better to wait for the sample for now

@lgusm Can we invite Khan in this thread?

Generally it would be nice to have all the Tensorflow developers advocates in the forum.

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We’ll publish the iOS MoveNet Swift sample soon. Stay tuned :slight_smile: TFLite should work on both Mac and iOS.

If you still want to pursue the CoreML conversion path, unfortunately I can’t help because I’m not familiar with it. I’d suggest you try asking in the CoreML GitHub repo.


Thanks for this. I see the IOS version has been published.

However CoreMLDelegate seems not to work with MoveNet (only Metal). Can I ask you why and if I can expect this to get fixed?

Published but no CoreMLDelegate support for MoveNet. Why? Will this get fixed?

I see the dynamic framework and CoreML in the subspecs:

Yes but…

Line 76: case .npu:
os_log(“WARNING: MoveNet currently doesn’t support NPU yet. Fall back to CPU”, type: .info)

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