Could not locate cublasLt64_12.dll. Please make sure it is in your library path!

I installed cuda 11.2, cudnn 8.1 and tensorflow 2.8 by following the windows native installation guide. I was running training on a model and it was training fine with my GPU as intended. I then changed the model from a custom model to a sequential one with the following code

model = Sequential()
    model.add(Conv2D(3, (3, 3), activation='relu', padding='same', input_shape=(540, 960, 2*3)))

    model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='mse', metrics=['accuracy']),
              y=numpy.array(y), epochs=50, batch_size=16, validation_split=0.1)"model/interpolation_model2")

However after doing this code I’m getting the following error

Epoch 1/50
Could not locate cublasLt64_12.dll. Please make sure it is in your library path!


To run the program successfully, make sure the cublasLt64_12.dll file is in the program’s library path. If it’s not, manually copy it from the bin subfolder of the CUDA Toolkit installation directory.

Thank you!

So I checked and the dll file is in the bin folder of the environment I was using so not sure what the issue is, is it meant to be in another folder as well


No, then it looks strange. To help us troubleshoot further, could you run any other basic sequential network on the GPU and let us know if the problem persists?

Thank you!