How to run TensorFlow with Mesa Intel hd 620 graphics card?

Is there a way to run TF with intel graphics?
Or should I have a Nvidia GPU to run TensorFlow?

$ /bin/python "/home/ninelights/TensorFlow/"
2023-01-24 21:09:14.592167: I tensorflow/core/platform/] This TensorFlow binary is optimized with oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN) to use the following CPU instructions in performance-critical operations:  AVX2 FMA
To enable them in other operations, rebuild TensorFlow with the appropriate compiler flags.
2023-01-24 21:09:14.761050: W tensorflow/compiler/xla/stream_executor/platform/default/] Could not load dynamic library ''; dlerror: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
2023-01-24 21:09:14.761086: I tensorflow/compiler/xla/stream_executor/cuda/] Ignore above cudart dlerror if you do not have a GPU set up on your machine.
2023-01-24 21:09:15.926478: W tensorflow/compiler/xla/stream_executor/platform/default/] Could not load dynamic library ''; dlerror: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
2023-01-24 21:09:15.926603: W tensorflow/compiler/xla/stream_executor/platform/default/] Could not load dynamic library ''; dlerror: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
2023-01-24 21:09:15.926626: W tensorflow/compiler/tf2tensorrt/utils/] TF-TRT Warning: Cannot dlopen some TensorRT libraries. If you would like to use Nvidia GPU with TensorRT, please make sure the missing libraries mentioned above are installed properly.
2023-01-24 21:09:17.358639: W tensorflow/compiler/xla/stream_executor/platform/default/] Could not load dynamic library ''; dlerror: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
2023-01-24 21:09:17.358682: W tensorflow/compiler/xla/stream_executor/cuda/] failed call to cuInit: UNKNOWN ERROR (303)
2023-01-24 21:09:17.358719: I tensorflow/compiler/xla/stream_executor/cuda/] kernel driver does not appear to be running on this host (asus-vivobookx540uar): /proc/driver/nvidia/version does not exist
Num GPUs Available:  0

TensorFlow didn’t recognize my GPU and I didn’t find any useful forms on the internet for this problem.


Welcome to the Tensorflow Forum!

According to hardware requirements, the following GPU-enabled devices are supported:

  • NVIDIA® GPU card with CUDA® architectures 3.5, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0 and higher. See the list of CUDA®-enabled GPU cards.
  • For GPUs with unsupported CUDA® architectures, or to avoid JIT compilation from PTX, or to use different versions of the NVIDIA® libraries, see the Linux build from source guide.

Thank you!

So, can’t I run TensorFlow with my current system?

You can use TensorFlow-DirectML-Plugin

Intel HD Graphics 5xx or newer are supported GPU’s on Windows 10.

Thank you!