I cant install Tensorflow on windows 10

I am a complete newbee to Python and Tensorflow. I need to install the following on my pc for my childs project.
a. Python
b. Tensorflow
c. Keras
d. Numpy and
e. Flask

I succeeded in installing Python 3.11. And then the sites send me into a wild goose chase asking me to install anaconda, Mueditor etc etc. But I cant install tensorflow after which i need to install Keras.
Can someone guide me? The installation instructions given in the respective websites dont seem to work. Thanks a million.


Welcome to the Tensorflow Forum!

Please follow steps by step instructions to install tensorflow on windows.

Once TensorFlow is installed, just import Keras and numpy as shown below

from tensorflow import keras
import numpy as np

After successful Tensorflow installation, install Flask with pip

pip install Flask

Also refer Software requirements to install Tensorflow.

Note: TensorFlow 2.10 was the last TensorFlow release that supported GPU on native-Windows

Thank you!

Can someone expand on what this means for Windows users, from a practical perspective? Is it just a change to how you install TensorFlow GPU support, or are there real limitations to using TensorFlow on a Windows machine?

I currently use Google Colab exclusively, but was planning to upgrade to a more capable PC for offline training at some point.


Beginning with Tensorflow 2.11, support for GPU on native windows has changed. You can install tensorflow-cpu within windows machines or try the TensorFlow-DirectML-Plugin. Going forward, Tensorflow support will be developed and maintained by Tensorflow Official build collaborators (Intel, AWS, ARM, linaro etc.). For more details please refer to the link. Thank you!

There are quite simple steps to install Tensorflow on window, I hope you will like my little effort for you.

  1. Step 1: Find out the TF version and its drivers.
  2. Step 2: Install Microsoft Visual Studio.
  3. Step 3: Install the NVIDIA CUDA toolkit.
  4. Step 4: Install cuDNN.
  5. Step 5: Extract the ZIP folder and copy core directories. …
  6. Step 6: Add CUDA toolkit to PATH.
  7. Step 7: Install TensorFlow inside a virtual environment with Jupyter Lab.