Massive performance impact with "run_eagerly=True"


I work on a model based on this tutorial:

I want to make this vae an annealed beta-vae, so I have defined a “tf.keras.backend.variable” which is updated every epoch in a custom callback. This variable is then applied as a factor to the latent loss in the train_step function.

  • My first concern is that if I’m not forcing eager mode, the value of the variable is never updated in the train_step() function.

  • My second concern is that if I force eager mode in .compile() with run_eagerly=True, the value is now correctly updated in the train_step() function but the impact on runtime is HUGE : it’s twice the time for each epoch.

Do you have any idea of what is going on here ?


I’ve tested a lot of things, still no luck :-/ Nobody to give me an insight ?

Twice the time is really nice. For me, is more like ten times.

Finally, I found the solution.

In the train_step() function, my custom variable must be converted to a tensor with tf.convert_to_tensor(my_variable). And now, the variable is correctly updated at each callback, even in non eager mode !

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