Not able to find Arduino_Tensorflowlite library in Arduino IDE

I am not able to find Arduino_Tensorflowlite library in Arduino IDE.
Is the library removed?
Can some one help me to get this or provide ZIP file for this library

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I have the same issue. Did you find a solution yet?

Nope, I haven’t got any reply/solution yet. I am hoping some senior members of the forum will definitely help …waiting for the help

I have the ZIP file, but I am still unable to get it to work as before…

Can you please share the zip file of the library with me? My email is (Removed by moderator)

First you need to download the TF Lite zip lib file from TF site. Then you need to extract the zip. After that copy the folder into your Arduino Lib folder where you installed Arduino IDE, like C: drive etc. After this step close the IDE and restart

Hello good sir, can you please share the link? thank you

Hi, would you share the zip please?

found it at ardubadge