Older code won't work on keras/tf update

I had some code that was working really well about 2 years ago but not any more. It trains against byte arrays made from WAV files of audio (1D numpy arrays) and labels that are their categories (types of sounds, currently there are only 3):

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals              

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras
import numpy
import wavefile
import os
from scipy import fftpack

def complex_coefficients(signal):
    return [abs(cpx) for cpx in fftpack.fft(signal)]

def padded(byte_array, output_length):
    return numpy.append(byte_array,numpy.zeros(output_length-len(byte_array)))

maximum_length = 800000 # this is about the maximum length                                          
labels = {"snare" : 1, "kick" : 2, "hi_hat" : 3}

# load training data                                                                                
training_labels = []
training_values = []

file_directory = './audio_dataset/train/hi_hat'
file_list = [f for f in os.listdir(file_directory) if  os.path.isfile(os.path.join(file_directory, \
f)) and (f != '.DS_Store')]
for fname in file_list:
    imported_wave = wavefile.load(filename=file_directory + "/" + fname)
    mono_channel = imported_wave[1][0] # we want the left channel, or mono                          
    normalized_channel = (mono_channel + 1)/2
    training_values.append(padded(normalized_channel, maximum_length))

file_directory = './audio_dataset/train/snare'
file_list = [f for f in os.listdir(file_directory) if  os.path.isfile(os.path.join(file_directory, f)) and (f != '.DS_Store')]
for fname in file_list:
    imported_wave = wavefile.load(filename=file_directory + "/" + fname)
    mono_channel = imported_wave[1][0] # we want the left channel, or mono                          
    normalized_channel = (mono_channel + 1)/2
    training_values.append(padded(normalized_channel, maximum_length))

file_directory = './audio_dataset/train/kick_drum'
file_list = [f for f in os.listdir(file_directory) if  os.path.isfile(os.path.join(file_directory, \
f)) and (f != '.DS_Store')]
for fname in file_list:
    imported_wave = wavefile.load(filename=file_directory + "/" + fname)
    mono_channel = imported_wave[1][0] # we want the left channel, or mono                          
    normalized_channel = (mono_channel + 1)/2
    training_values.append(padded(normalized_channel, maximum_length))
    print("done 3")

# define neural network model                                                                       
sequential_model = keras.Sequential([
    keras.layers.Lambda(lambda x: padded(complex_coefficients(x), maximum_length), input_shape=(maximum_length,)),
    keras.layers.Dense(10, activation='softmax') 
sequential_model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])

# Note that we don't have to normalize the training values like with MNIST images.                  
# The wavfile library automatically yields floats between 0 and 1 for all sample amplitudes         
sequential_model.fit(numpy.asarray(training_values), numpy.asarray(training_labels), epochs=10)

# load testing data                                                                                 
testing_labels = []
testing_values = []
file_directory = './audio_dataset/test/hi_hat'
file_list = [f for f in os.listdir(file_directory) if  os.path.isfile(os.path.join(file_directory, f)) and (f != '.DS_Store')]
for fname in file_list:
    imported_wave = wavefile.load(filename=file_directory + "/" + fname)
    mono_channel = imported_wave[1][0] # we want the left channel, or mono                      
    normalized_channel = (mono_channel + 1)/2
    testing_values.append(padded(normalized_channel, maximum_length))

file_directory = './audio_dataset/test/snare'
file_list = [f for f in os.listdir(file_directory) if  os.path.isfile(os.path.join(file_directory, f)) and (f != '.DS_Store')]
for fname in file_list:
    imported_wave = wavefile.load(filename=file_directory + "/" + fname)
    mono_channel = imported_wave[1][0] # we want the left channel, or mono                                      
    normalized_channel = (mono_channel + 1)/2                                  
    testing_values.append(padded(normalized_channel, maximum_length))

file_directory = './audio_dataset/test/kick_drum'
file_list = [f for f in os.listdir(file_directory) if  os.path.isfile(os.path.join(file_directory, \
f)) and (f != '.DS_Store')]
for fname in file_list:
    imported_wave = wavefile.load(filename=file_directory + "/" + fname)
    mono_channel = imported_wave[1][0] # we want the left channel, or mono                                           
    normalized_channel = (mono_channel + 1)/2
    testing_values.append(padded(normalized_channel, maximum_length))

loss, accuracy = sequential_model.evaluate(numpy.asarray(testing_values), numpy.asarray(testing_labels))
print('\nTest accuracy:', accuracy)

The basic error is the following:

    elif x.dtype.kind not in 'fc':
AttributeError: Exception encountered when calling layer "lambda" (type Lambda).

'DType' object has no attribute 'kind'

Call arguments received by layer "lambda" (type Lambda):
  • inputs=tf.Tensor(shape=(None, 800000), dtype=float32)
  • mask=None
  • training=None

I’d appreciate insight about what broke (or rather, what is not backwards compatible here) and what it will take for me to get this NN working again. I’ve tried entering the shape for the input via the Sequential constructor, but I haven’t been doing that right evidently because that has just yielded more errors.


I’ve gained some insight:
The problem is due to the use of the Lambda layer and passing a raw numpy array to it. For now I have it working again by removing the Lambda layer and transforming each input array individually:

# each bytearray transformation, pre-NN
for fname in file_list:
    imported_wave = wavefile.load(filename=file_directory + "/" + fname)
    mono_channel = imported_wave[1][0] # we want the left channel, or mono                          
    # TMP                                                                                           
    mono_channel = complex_coefficients(mono_channel)                                       
    normalized_channel = (numpy.array(mono_channel))/50
    testing_values.append(padded(normalized_channel, maximum_length))
# Sequential NN construction:
sequential_model = keras.Sequential([
    keras.layers.Dense(32),  # extra layers dont help                                               
    keras.layers.Dense(10, activation='softmax')  # sigmoid - 0.47058824, softmax -- 0.61764705     

And it’s back to working – with >90% accuracy to boot!

I’ll look more closely at the Lambda layer and how I should be using it properly in the new TF version, but for now I’m back to working code.