Tensorflow_io type error when reading 16 bits wav file

Hi Everyone,

When I read two audio files, one with 32-bit format and the other with 16-bit format, the program throws an error as follows.

y1_io = tfio.audio.AudioIOTensor(y1_path)  # 32 bit format
y2_io = tfio.audio.AudioIOTensor(y2_path)  # 16 bit format
y1 = y1_io[:256]
y2 = y2_io[:256]
tensorflow/core/framework/tensor.cc:725] Check failed: dtype() == expected_dtype (5 vs. 3) int32 expected, got int16

However, if I change the order, the program runs without error.

y1_io = tfio.audio.AudioIOTensor(y1_path)  # 32 bit format
y1 = y1_io[:256]
y2_io = tfio.audio.AudioIOTensor(y2_path)  # 16 bit format
y2 = y2_io[:256]

I would need to run the commands in the order that results in an error so that I can buffer directly from the file.