Timeseries forecasting model on a multiindex table

I want to build a timeseries forecasting model on this sataset I have. The dataset has a column ‘time_period’ that states the timestamps, 2 categorical columns (clientID and country), and 2 Y values. However, there are multiple records in each time period.

for instance,
Time - ID - Country - Y1 - Y2
Jan 1 - C01 - India - 0.1 - 0.2
Jan 1 - C02 - UAE- 0.05 - 0.1
Jan 1 - C02 - India - 0.13 - 0.99
Jan 1 - C02 - UAE - 0.12 - 0.88
Jan 2 - C01 - India - 1.1 - 0.23
Jan 2 - C02 - UAE- 2.05 - 0.13
Jan 2 - C02 - India - 3.13 - 0.29
Jan 2 - C02 - UAE - 0.2312 - 0.288

and so on.

How do I create a timeseries forecasting model on this (LSTM, or any neural network based model.)