Try out ConvNeXt in Keras!

Are you training on TPUs?

Yes, I am training on colab TPUs.

You cannot save a model locally. You need to use a GCS Bucket."gs://you-bucket-name/you-model-name") should work given that COlab has been provided access to the Bucket.

You can use the following:

from google.colab import auth

Hi Sayak,

Actually I have been saving models to google drive when using other architectures, so I wonder what the difference is. But thanks, I can try using gsbucket as you suggested.



When working with TPUs, I am not if Google Drive would work for saving models. Using a GCS Bucket is the recommended solution (I can’t find the official resource that suggests it at the moment).

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Hello Sayak can you please explain why is get_config method necessary to save_weights of model in .h5 format. I’m trying to save a model with custom layers in this notebook but it fails. It seems I also have issue regarding the get_config methods implementation.