Update random value of tensor using random indices

So, i have a list that contain some seed generated from somewhere else.

I need to use those seed to create a list of random indeces and then create a new tensor with 0 everywhere except for those indeces.

For now the code is like so:

for index in [1,3,5]:
    seed = 1254 #Only for testing now
    #Tensor with X elements all 0s
    tensor_testing = tf.zeros([size_for_layer[index],], tf.float32)
    #Tensor with Y random generated indices
    indices = tf.random.uniform(shape=[size_for_layer_submodel[index],], minval=0,
                                maxval=size_for_layer[index], dtype=tf.dtypes.int64, seed=seed, name=None)

    #Same dimension as indices with the new value
    values = tf.fill([tf.shape(indices)[0], ], 15.4)
    #start the update
    tensor_testing = tf.tensor_scatter_nd_update(tensor_testing, indices, values)
    result[index] = tf.reshape(tensor_testing, shape_for_layer[index])

But i get this error:
ValueError: Dimensions [6,1) of input[shape=[32]] = [] must match dimensions [0,1) of updates[shape=[6]] = [6]: Shapes must be equal rank, but are 0 and 1 for '{{node TensorScatterUpdate}} = TensorScatterUpdate[T=DT_FLOAT, Tindices=DT_INT64](zeros, random_uniform, Fill)' with input shapes: [32], [6], [6].

I have actually solved the problem like so:

for index in [1,3,5]:
    seed = 1254 #Only for testing now
    #Tensor with X elements all 0s
    tensor_testing = tf.zeros(size_for_layer[index], tf.float32)
    # Tensor with Y random generated indices
    indices = tf.random.uniform(shape=[size_for_layer_submodel[index], ], minval=0,
                                maxval=size_for_layer[index], dtype=tf.dtypes.int64, seed=seed, name=None)

    values = tf.fill([tf.shape(tensor_testing)[0], ], 15.4)
    tensor_testing = tf.tensor_scatter_nd_update(tensor_testing, tf.expand_dims(indices, 1),
                                                 tf.gather(values, indices))

    result[index] = tf.reshape(tensor_testing, shape_for_layer[index])

Is there a way to make tf.random.uniform generate values with no duplicates?

Are you looking for something like:

See also: