Are you a TensorFlow contributor? Tell us more about your experience!

Documentation fixes are such a great place to start as an OSS contributor! What helped you to move from docs to code contributions?


Hi @thea
thanks for your interest , I am recently interested in contributing with TFX, decision-forests , and tflite-micro

can you guide me ?

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@Kareem_Negm You might want to get involved in SIG Micro either in the subcategory here or in some of their established channels: community/ at master Ā· tensorflow/community Ā· GitHub

We are also in the process of creating SIG TFX-Addons: GitHub Repo and Forum ā€“ watch the forum category if you want to hear more.


Thanks, @thea for the useful links I started my first pull request today with TFX after reading your massages :smiley: :grin:
and I plan to continue contributing, and I hope that I will an influential member of the TensorFlow community


After reading documentation of specific topic, I used to dive deeper into the code to see how it is implemented and how it works. That helped me understand the paradigm of coding on which tensorflow is built and to approach any issue in very fast and flexible way.


Hello Everyone, I am a Mechanical Engineer with about 10 years of experience in mining in Chile, specifically with preventive maintenance and reliability of machines through the use of data from sensors. I am currently working to learn more about Tensorflow and I am very interested in developing my skills in this area.



Hi Steven! we are here to help you on this journey! do you have a particular part of TensorFlow that you would like to contribute to?

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Hi Ricardo! Check out our resources on Youtube. @Laurence_Moroney has amazing videos and tutorials that can be very helpful and the latest videos from IO will be on the channel too:

Itā€™s a great resource to stay up to date!


Hello Ricardo and welcome to the Forum! In addition to the amazing YouTube resources @Joana has pointed out, there are also quite a number of TF courses on Coursera that you can audit for free. Check out the list of courses and instructions on this topic thread from @Laurence_Moroney.


Hi Joana! Thank you for being here.
Iā€™d like to contribute code. By fixing bugs, improving features, and writing tests.
If thatā€™d be too big a leap, maybe I could start with improving documentation too.


Thank you guys! I already completed the specialization course a few months ago ā€œDeepLearning.AI TensorFlow Developerā€ I am currently practicing and preparing to obtain my certification in Tensorflow


Hi :wave:,
I am at the stage of creating my first ANNā€™s (itā€™s very exciting), I want to learn more in this field and want to be able to contribute to TensorFlow.
I hope I learn all the needed knowledge soon and contribute :slight_smile:

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Yeah, me too, I am still in learning ML and planning to contribute to this community

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Is there any tensorflow direct function create GAN Generator models?

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Check Generative Deep Learning

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Hey I too felt that after getting to know about NLP and competitions stuff ,its hard but one needs be patient and just move ahead and work.

Hi everyone,

My contribution is still very weak with only one Keras code example that I shared about a year ago.

Hopefully I will be contributing more in the near future.
