Decision Forest module yanked

This is a good question :).

Keras does not support string labels for classification. Therefore, labels should be provided as a positive integer.

The function pd_dataframe_to_tf_dataset runs an automatic string->integer conversion if the labels are stored as strings. If the label is already an integer, no mapping is applied. The string->integer mapping follows the lexicographic order (see code). This cannot be changed as the moment.

To obtain a model with a specific mapping, the simplest solution is to apply the desired mapping on the dataset manually before the training e.g. dataframe["label"] = dataframe["label"].map(my_mapping).


Thanks for the code walkthrough at this link: Decision forests in TensorFlow | Session - YouTube. In accessing the hyperparameter for RF is it possible to get access to the proximity matrix which is generated from the number of similarity counts at the leafs. If there is an API to extract this matrix it would be ideal. Thanks,