Getting 'Killed' while trying to run 'pytest keras_cv'

Followed each and every step as mentioned here I think the issue is probably related to CPU usage (not sure though but that’s the case most probably).

Here is the full output of ‘pytest keras_cv’:
========================================= test session starts =========================================
platform linux – Python 3.9.18, pytest-8.1.1, pluggy-1.4.0
rootdir: /home/pyrath/Desktop/keras_3/keras-cv
configfile: setup.cfg
plugins: timeout-2.3.1, xdist-3.5.0, requests-mock-1.10.0
collected 1940 items

keras_cv/bounding_box/ s…sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss… [ 2%]
…sssssssssssssssssss [ 7%]
sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss [ 12%]
ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss…s. [ 15%]
keras_cv/bounding_box/ s…s [ 15%]
keras_cv/bounding_box/ s…s. [ 16%]
keras_cv/bounding_box/ s.sss [ 16%]
keras_cv/bounding_box/ sss [ 16%]
keras_cv/bounding_box/ s.sss [ 17%]
keras_cv/bounding_box/ s…s [ 17%]
keras_cv/bounding_box/ s…s [ 17%]
keras_cv/callbacks/ ssss [ 17%]
keras_cv/callbacks/ sss [ 18%]
keras_cv/core/factor_sampler/ s…s [ 18%]
keras_cv/core/factor_sampler/ s…s [ 18%]
keras_cv/datasets/ s…s [ 18%]
keras_cv/datasets/pascal_voc/ s…s. [ 19%]
keras_cv/datasets/waymo/ ssss [ 19%]
keras_cv/datasets/waymo/ sssss [ 19%]
keras_cv/keypoint/ s…s [ 20%]
keras_cv/keypoint/ s…s [ 20%]
keras_cv/layers/ s…s [ 21%]
keras_cv/layers/ s…s. [ 21%]
keras_cv/layers/ s…s. [ 21%]
keras_cv/layers/ s…s. [ 22%]
keras_cv/layers/object_detection/ s…s [ 22%]
keras_cv/layers/object_detection/ s…s [ 23%]
keras_cv/layers/object_detection/ sss [ 23%]
keras_cv/layers/object_detection/ s…s [ 23%]
keras_cv/layers/object_detection/ ssssssss [ 23%]
keras_cv/layers/object_detection/ s…s [ 24%]
keras_cv/layers/object_detection/ s…s.s [ 25%]
keras_cv/layers/object_detection/ s…ss [ 25%]
keras_cv/layers/object_detection/ s…s [ 25%]
keras_cv/layers/object_detection_3d/ ss… [ 26%]
keras_cv/layers/object_detection_3d/ s…s [ 26%]
keras_cv/layers/object_detection_3d/ ss…Killed

Any help/advice would be appreciated!
Thanks in advance!