Help adapring object detection fine tuning tutorial

Sorry for possibly quite old code, I am trying to adapt the following tutorial for my use-case but the checkpoint loading is rather confusing. I have seen the related discussion here but I still have questions.

The code in question (from the tutorial) is this:

detection_model =
      model_config=model_config, is_training=True)

# Set up object-based checkpoint restore --- RetinaNet has two prediction
# `heads` --- one for classification, the other for box regression.  We will
# restore the box regression head but initialize the classification head
# from scratch (we show the omission below by commenting out the line that
# we would add if we wanted to restore both heads)

fake_box_predictor = tf.compat.v2.train.Checkpoint(
    # _prediction_heads=detection_model._box_predictor._prediction_heads,
    #    (i.e., the classification head that we *will not* restore)
fake_model = tf.compat.v2.train.Checkpoint(
ckpt = tf.compat.v2.train.Checkpoint(model=fake_model)

# Run model through a dummy image so that variables are created
image, shapes = detection_model.preprocess(tf.zeros([1, 640, 640, 3]))
prediction_dict = detection_model.predict(image, shapes)

As we can see, they are attempting to re-train the classification head and re-use everything else.
My use-case is that I want to retrain BOTH the classification and the box regressor heads.
How can I do it?
Do I understand it correctly that not restoring the box predictor at all from the checkpoint is the right approach? Will the code below only load the feature extractor and allow me to re-train both the classification and box prediction heads?

detection_model =, is_training=True)

fake_model = tf.compat.v2.train.Checkpoint(
ckpt = tf.compat.v2.train.Checkpoint(model=fake_model)

# Run model through a dummy image so that variables are created
image, shapes = detection_model.preprocess(tf.zeros([1, 640, 640, 3]))
prediction_dict = detection_model.predict(image, shapes)