Help bug on DFL with TensorFlow

Hello sorry for my english i’m french i use translate
I use DeepFaceLab
For a few days I have had this appear when I try to start my training.
Until now, everything has been working without any problems for over a year, it happened all of a sudden like that,
I don’t know what to do anymore, if you can find me the solution, that would be really great, thank you!

Running trainer.

Choose one of saved models, or enter a name to create a new model.
[r] : rename
[d] : delete

[0] : 256RTMLiaeUDT - latest
Loading 256RTMLiaeUDT_SAEHD model…

Choose one or several GPU idxs (separated by comma).

[0] : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070

[0] Which GPU indexes to choose? :

Press enter in 2 seconds to override model settings.
[0] Autobackup every N hour ( 0…24 ?:help ) :
[n] Write preview history ( y/n ?:help ) :
[0] Target iteration :
[n] Flip SRC faces randomly ( y/n ?:help ) :
[n] Flip DST faces randomly ( y/n ?:help ) :
[9] Batch_size ( ?:help ) : 10
[y] Masked training ( y/n ?:help ) :
[n] Eyes and mouth priority ( y/n ?:help ) :
[n] Uniform yaw distribution of samples ( y/n ?:help ) :
[y] Blur out mask ( y/n ?:help ) :
[n] Place models and optimizer on GPU ( y/n ?:help ) : y
[y] Use AdaBelief optimizer? ( y/n ?:help ) :
[n] Use learning rate dropout ( n/y/cpu ?:help ) :
[y] Enable random warp of samples ( y/n ?:help ) :
[0.0] Random hue/saturation/light intensity ( 0.0 … 0.3 ?:help ) :
[0.0] GAN power ( 0.0 … 5.0 ?:help ) :
[0.0] Face style power ( 0.0…100.0 ?:help ) :
[0.0] Background style power ( 0.0…100.0 ?:help ) :
[none] Color transfer for src faceset ( none/rct/lct/mkl/idt/sot ?:help ) :
[y] Enable gradient clipping ( y/n ?:help ) :
[n] Enable pretraining mode ( y/n ?:help ) :
Initializing models: 100%|###############################################################| 5/5 [00:02<00:00, 1.82it/s]
Loaded 87673 packed faces from D:\DeepFaceLab_NVIDIA_up_to_RTX2080Ti\workspace\data_src\aligned
Loaded 19481 packed faces from D:\DeepFaceLab_NVIDIA_up_to_RTX2080Ti\workspace\data_dst\aligned
================== Model Summary ===================
== ==
== Model name: 256RTMLiaeUDT_SAEHD ==
== ==
== Current iteration: 8493143 ==
== ==
==---------------- Model Options -----------------==
== ==
== resolution: 256 ==
== face_type: wf ==
== models_opt_on_gpu: True ==
== archi: liae-udt ==
== ae_dims: 256 ==
== e_dims: 64 ==
== d_dims: 64 ==
== d_mask_dims: 22 ==
== masked_training: True ==
== eyes_mouth_prio: False ==
== uniform_yaw: False ==
== blur_out_mask: True ==
== adabelief: True ==
== lr_dropout: n ==
== random_warp: True ==
== random_hsv_power: 0.0 ==
== true_face_power: 0.0 ==
== face_style_power: 0.0 ==
== bg_style_power: 0.0 ==
== ct_mode: none ==
== clipgrad: True ==
== pretrain: False ==
== autobackup_hour: 0 ==
== write_preview_history: False ==
== target_iter: 0 ==
== random_src_flip: False ==
== random_dst_flip: False ==
== batch_size: 10 ==
== gan_power: 0.0 ==
== gan_patch_size: 32 ==
== gan_dims: 32 ==
== ==
==------------------ Running On ------------------==
== ==
== Device index: 0 ==
== Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 ==
== VRAM: 6.65GB ==
== ==

Starting. Press “Enter” to stop training and save model.
2023-12-15 08:09:28.136164: F tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/] Unexpected Event status: 1
Appuyez sur une touche pour continuer…

and sometime this

2023-12-15 11:53:33.355353: F tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/] Check failed: status == CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS (7 vs. 0)Failed to set cuDNN stream.
Appuyez sur une touche pour continuer…

Hi @Picktout

Welcome to the TensorFlow Forum!

Its seems there is GPU setup issue from the error log. Could you please check and verify if you have installed correct TensorFlow version and supported CUDA, cuDNN version as per this tested build configuration for GPU support.

If the issues still persists, Please follow the step by step instructions mentioned in this TF install link and check the required Hardware/Software requirements to install the TensorFlow with GPU setup. Thank you.

Hello and thank you for taking the time to respond to me.
Apparently the GPU must be dead or at the end of its life from what I could find
By lowering the batch size of DFL it launches but crashes after a while with nasty artifacts
Do you also think the graphics card is dead?

You can close change the GPU resolve the problem !