Help integrating Keras Model in Probabilistic Model


I am trying to integrate a neural network (using Keras) with a probabilistic model (using JointDistributionCoroutineAutoBatched). While the probabilistic model part works fine, I struggle with integrating the neural network. Appreciate any help on this!

Something similar was done here a few years ago using Edward

Here is the working probabilistic (mixed-effects) model, which is pretty much the same as in this tutorial, using the same data (radon)

def make_joint_distribution_coroutine(floor, county, n_counties):
  def model():
    # Hyperpriors:
    # mu_alpha ~ Normal(0,1)
    mu_alpha = yield tfd.Normal(loc=0., scale=.1, name = 'mu_alpha')
    # sigma_alpha ~ HalfNormal(1)
    sigma_alpha = yield tfd.HalfNormal(scale=.1, name = 'sigma_alpha')
    # Priors:
    # alpha ~ Normal(mu_alpha, sigma_alpha)
    alpha = yield tfd.Normal(loc=mu_alpha*tf.ones(n_counties),
    # beta ~ Normal(0,1)
    beta = yield tfd.Normal(loc=0., scale=.1, name = 'beta')
    # sigma ~ HalfNormal(1)
    sigma = yield tfd.HalfNormal(scale=.1, name = 'sigma')
    # Likelihood
    fixed_effect = floor*beta
    random_effect = tf.gather(alpha, county, axis=-1)
    mu = random_effect + fixed_effect
    yield tfd.Normal(loc=mu, scale=sigma, name = 'likelihood')
  return tfd.JointDistributionCoroutineAutoBatched(model)

joint = make_joint_distribution_coroutine(floor, county, n_counties)

Now the goal is to replace the ‘fixed_effect’ part with a neural network. I tried the following, yielding different error messages. Since everything revolves around distributions, I thought it would make sense to have the Neural Network yield a distribution as well. Here ‘floor*beta’ is replaced by ‘neural_network(floor, n_observations)’

def neural_network(floor, n_observations):
  inputs = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape = (n_observations,), name = "inputs")
  outputs = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1,  activation = 'linear', kernel_regularizer = tf.keras.regularizers.l2(.001))(inputs)
  return tfp.layers.DistributionLambda(make_distribution_fn= lambda outputs: tfd.Normal(loc=outputs, scale=1))

def make_joint_distribution_coroutine(floor, county, n_counties):
  def model():
    # Hyperpriors:
    # mu_alpha ~ Normal(0,1)
    mu_alpha = yield tfd.Normal(loc=0., scale=.1, name = 'mu_alpha')
    # sigma_alpha ~ HalfNormal(1)
    sigma_alpha = yield tfd.HalfNormal(scale=.1, name = 'sigma_alpha')
    # Priors:
    # alpha ~ Normal(mu_alpha, sigma_alpha)
    alpha = yield tfd.Normal(loc=mu_alpha*tf.ones(n_counties),
    # sigma ~ HalfNormal(1)
    sigma = yield tfd.HalfNormal(scale=.1, name = 'sigma')
    # Likelihood
    fixed_effect = neural_network(floor, n_observations)
    random_effect = tf.gather(alpha, county, axis=-1)
    mu = random_effect + fixed_effect
    yield tfd.Normal(loc=mu, scale=sigma, name = 'likelihood')
  return tfd.JointDistributionCoroutineAutoBatched(model)

joint = make_joint_distribution_coroutine(floor, county, n_counties)

But this yields the following error:

Error in py_call_impl(callable, dots$args, dots$keywords) : 
TypeError: To be compatible with tf.function, Python functions must return zero or more Tensors or ExtensionTypes or None values; in compilation of <function neural_network at 0x000001E849878310>, found return value of type DistributionLambda, which is not a Tensor or ExtensionType.

More in line with the Edward example posted above, I also tried the following:

def neural_network(floor, n_observations):
  inputs = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape = (n_observations,), name = "inputs")
  outputs = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1,  activation = 'linear', kernel_regularizer = tf.keras.regularizers.l2(.001))(inputs)
  return tf.keras.backend.squeeze(outputs, axis=1)

which yields:

Error in py_call_impl(callable, dots$args, dots$keywords) : 
  TypeError: To be compatible with tf.function, Python functions must return zero or more Tensors or ExtensionTypes or None values; in compilation of <function neural_network at 0x000001E849B6B9D0>, found return value of type KerasTensor, which is not a Tensor or ExtensionType.

@sascha: Did you find something out to make it work in the meantime?

@ch3f : no. I think the model specification here is more appropriate but it still yields an error.