TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers with Arduino uno

Hi there
I plan to build a machine learning project with Tesnsorflow lite and Arduino for The TensorFlow Microcontroller Challenge
and I have a question, it is possible to implement a tflite model on Arduino UNO or not?

and if you give me an example I will be thankful


Hey Kareem!
Check this session during #GoogleIO .
Building with TensorFlow Lite for microcontrollers

This may help you.


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Also, I don’t think it is supported to Arduino Uno as it is mentioned to use Arduino BLE in the Arduino Documentation.
Check here


Hi @saswatsamal
yes I think it is impossible, all videos including GoogleIO video use TinyML machine learning kit


It actually depends on the hardware and since Uno lack those therefore you need to use the BLE.

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Yes you are right, I will puy BLE when I can


If you want to run ML Models on Arduino Uno, then you can use TensorFlowJS.
Read their docs, and search for Tiny Sorter, you’ll understand.

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Hi @saswatsamal
Just for clarifying, I’d rather say ML Model runs on the PC and interacts with the Arduino Uno board.
Without a PC it wouldn’t work.
Am I right?