@tf.custom_gradient for differentiable vector quantization

I’d like some confirmation here:
So I implemented a vector quantization layer, which I’d like to use during training also. Straight-Through estimation is a common technique, which,as far as I understand it, just means to ignore the layer during backpropagation, i.e., to copy the gradient of the previous layer to the following layer during backpropagation. I’d like to implement it.

Now, I know of tensorflow’s stop_gradient function, however, shouldn’t a custom gradient defined as

def grad(dy):
    return dy

yield the same result? I.e. doing

class VectorQuantization(tf.keras.layers.Layer):
    def __init__(self, codebook = None, **kwargs):
        super(VectorQuantization, self).__init__(**kwargs)
       ... init ....

    def call(self, inputs):
        def grad(dy):
            return dy

         ... regular VQ stuff ...
       return quantized, grad

In my understanding, training a model with a structure like

mymodel = somelayers(VQ(somemorelayers)

regarding backpropagation acts like

dmymodel = dsomelayers * dsomemorelayers

right? This should be the/a straight-through estimator. Am I missing something? I looked up some VQ Variational AE code and they used “inputs - tf.stop_gradient(quantized - inputs)” for the straight through estimate. However, shouldn’t this be equivalent to defining the gradient as I did here?

Yes, your understanding is correct. Using @tf.custom_gradient with a custom gradient function that simply returns the upstream gradient (dy) is a valid way to implement the straight-through estimator for a vector quantization layer in TensorFlow. This approach effectively allows the gradient from the output to pass through to the input unaltered during backpropagation, similar to the effect achieved by using tf.stop_gradient. The alternative method involving inputs - tf.stop_gradient(quantized - inputs) achieves a similar outcome but in a slightly different manner. Both methods are valid for implementing straight-through estimation in training models with non-differentiable operations like vector quantization.

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