Tfds beans can't be downloaded

the website in storage google showed this error UserProjectAccountProblemThe project to be billed is associated with a delinquent billing account.The billing account for the owning project is disabled in state delinquent Failed to get url HTTP code: 403.

this in category 3 problem

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Hi @kenji_P, The error you are facing is due to you have not enabled the billing for the project you have created. This is true even if your project only uses Google Cloud services that are free.Please refer to this document for enabling the billing. Thank You.

hi @Kiran_Sai_Ramineni thank you for the reply, but the case is that i was taking tensorflow certification exam and need to access the bean dataset because one of the case need to solve revolve around it and the dataset seems to be down so i can’t pass my certification because of it, and the grader also seems to be not able to access it, so even though i have already downloaded the same dataset from kaggle and train the model based on it and already got 75% accuracy up, it still fails me.

Hi @kenji_P, While importing the beans dataset from tfds i observed the same error. Please send an email to the TF certification team ( for further assistance. Thank You.

I had the same issue.

I got the same problem too, how to fix it? my exam time is just a little bit away? is there an exam fee refund for this problem?

Did anyone get any reply from Tensorflow certificate support regarding this? This is so frustrating.

Hello, we are very sorry about this error. We are looking into it. If you have run into this error and you haven’t emailed, please do so.

If you have already emailed the support alias, no need to email again, they have you on the list for reconciliation.

Thank you
