Video Classification

hi everyone, I wanted to know if with Tensorflow Lite, using a video classification model, I could capture video from the front camera.

I need this because I am developing an app for sign language recognition and the app will run on Pepper robot, so I will not be able to access the back camera.

thank you in advance for your help :slight_smile:

Permission might not enabled in the android manifest file. Could you provide error stack error from logcat? Thank you.

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Hello and thank you for responding!
mine was just an information question, now you have clarified my doubt, thank you.

I have another question: the example provided for video classification, is it also available written in Java?
I donโ€™t know Kotlin and I donโ€™t have much time to be able to learn it.
I would like to have additional documentation or videos to implement something similar to the video classification example.

You can refer to How to Convert Kotlin Code to Java Code in Android Studio? may help you. Thank you